Vacation turns disaster when Houston grad, Kyle and her friends escape a plane crash in the desolate Louisiana everglades, only to discover there's something way more dangerous lurking in the shallows...
Vacation turns disaster when Houston grad, Kyle and her friends escape a plane crash in the desolate Louisiana everglades, only to discover there's something way more dangerous lurking in the shallows...
这部纪录片走近了那些打过世界纪录的俄罗斯方块顶级大师,记录了他们备战古典俄罗斯方块世锦赛(Class Tetris World Championship / CTWC)的那些故事。
从 Thor Aackerlund 在1990任天堂世锦赛上赢得历史性胜利的日子,到现在 Harry Hong 完美“爆分”,本片匠心独运,为二十余载方块大师路编年写史。
But Jonas!... :q...