The Walking Fish is a tragicomic short film about ambition, perfection and self-acceptance. The 19-minute film, directed by Thessa Meijer, tells the story of an ambitious sea-creature that pursues h...
传奇巴西地下电影杰作《杀死家庭看电影去》有两个版本,69年的原版(和91年的这本翻拍版,导演Neville de Almeida同样来自70年代的“边缘电影”运动,此次与前辈Júlio Bressane共同改写了部分章节,却达到了意想不到的效果和好评,当然影片原本就有的反叛另类风格依然得以延续。。。...
A group of colleagues crash land on a mysterious island that they cannot escape. They discover they are not alone when they encounter an array of blood thirsty creatures and dinosaurs out to get them....
A group of colleagues crash land on a mysterious island that they cannot escape. They discover they are not alone when they encounter an array of blood thirsty creatures and dinosaurs out to get them....