A struggling writer finds herself at the center of the story she is covering when brutally attacked by a notorious cult leader and mass murderer, a man who exerts an inexplicable control over his fo...
It had been a crisp September morning like so many others. And then it was not. Days of innocence would fade to mere memory. Forces from afar would see to that. An explosion of evil would violate sa...
The best part of any marriage is consummating it. However after 3 months of a sexless marriage Dan, in a moment of weakness, finds himself in the throws of casual sex with another woman. Dan decides...
一个男人由于患上了强迫性神经官能症,生活面临崩溃。可是在这样关键的时刻,他竟然遇上一段意想不到的风流韵事。黑色幽默的故事让观众惊喜连连。 The British indie DIRTY FILTHY LOVE offers a quirky spin on the standard romantic-comedy formula with the tragicomic misadvent...