Glenn Danzig's directorial debut, is a horror anthology that compiles stories from Danzig's line of comic books of the same name. Stories which focus on horror content that's often sexual and violen...
Emerson Graham's nights as a cab driver are filled with annoyances and inconveniences, but until tonight, never attacks and disappearances. After picking up a mysterious passenger her evening goes...
Kara Zor-El生于氪星球(planet Krypton),多年前星球毁灭的时候她逃到地球来,一直隐藏自己的超能力。如今24岁,Kara觉得不能使用与生俱来的能力就像权利被剥夺,在她美丽的脸庞底下,她不知道自己是谁。但在一次意外灾难中,她被迫在众目睽睽下使用了超能力。被自己的英勇行为激发,Kara有生以来第一次正面了自己的技能。她开始帮助城市里的人们,人们也注意到了她,甚至给她一个新名字:女...