吉姆(蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen 饰)是一名个性冷酷武艺高强的杀手,他只有一个弱点,那就是喜欢听故事。这一回,他的目标是一个名叫芬奇(克里斯汀·史莱特 Christian Slater 饰)的摄影师,没想到,这项本以为能够轻松完成的任务却被芬奇的一个故事给搅黄了。 故事中,一名江洋大盗和女儿将价值连城的宝物埋藏在了底下,然后被捕。在小贼“范”的帮助下,大盗越狱成功,范和大盗的女儿之间亦产...
Sunray is a riveting revenge story that follows a group of combat veterans on a quest to uncover the truth behind a drug dealer’s role in the tragic death of our protagonist Andy’s daughter. Sunray ...
In this four-part series for BBC Two, Professor Joann Fletcher explains how Ancient Egypt’s extraordinary story fits together, from nomads to pyramid builders, from tomb robbers to the last of the pha...
The story is carried by Mady, student by day, locksmith by night. But Claire, the enigmatic young woman she is helping out one night, isn’t what she seems to be. This door isn’t that of her apartment....
Since the creation of currency, money has made the world go round and people have done anything and everything in their power to get their hands on a lot of it, including formulating some of the most ...