It's summer again, and everyone's favorite Junior Rescuers, The Flounders, are back at Tower 2. With the International Junior Rescue Championships headed to Southern California, the eyes of th...
经过煞费苦心的钻营设计,弗兰西斯·安德伍德(凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 饰)如愿坐上总统宝座。但在他执政的半年时间里,民调支持率一路走低,而其强硬专横的执政风格也在党内外备受争议。为了成功赢得2016年大选,弗兰西斯力推精心打造的《美国就业法案》笼络人心。此外,和俄罗斯接二连三的较量中,他步步为营,小心周旋,却也不免壮士断腕。克莱尔(罗宾·怀特 Robin Wright 饰)雄心勃...
Connor invites the Hayworth clan to a 49ers game as he tries to close his latest business deal; Tom gets a chance to showcase his football skills; Denise tries to get Sarah to come to terms with Sha...
1. Everything Is Bonzer!
Air date: Sep 27, 2018
Michael intervenes in the near-death accidents of Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani and Jason on Earth, in hopes that a second chance at life all...