法利(阿兰·霍华德 Alan Howard 饰)是当地非常有名的馅饼生产商,性格傲慢的他在社交圈里树敌不少。一天,波洛侦探(大卫·苏切 David Suchet 饰)收到了法利的来信,要求同他见面。 法利告诉波洛自己每夜都在重复同一个噩梦,梦中,他总是于十二点二 八分这个时间点吞枪自尽。这个梦让法利感到非常的焦虑,甚至怀疑自己是不是中了催眠术。波洛当然不相信这种怪力乱神的说法,但对于法利的经...
Poirot is enlisted by Japp to help solve a mystery that took place on Bonfire Night in a mews flat. A Mrs. Allen was found shot, apparently a suicide, but she was holding the gun that killed her in ...
故事讲述两兄弟,一个有女友,一个有太太,却因为一个女人出现,令两兄弟不但对爱人不忠,更成为爱情对手。 一句话评论 A romantic comedy about two brothers... and the one thing that came between them. From the Director of "The Brothers McMullen" ...