After ten years abroad, Catherine returns to Luxembourg to catch up with her daughter Alba, brought up by Catherine's mother Elisabeth. She then kidnaps Alba and takes her on a trip to a lake up North...
National Geographic在《天才》首季季终后,公布已续订的第二季会聚焦在著名艺术家Pablo Picasso;剧集执行制片Ron Howard在访问中表示,尽管毕加索已经是家喻户晓的名字,但很多人都不知道他的作画的动力﹑有甚么困扰过他,以及他是如何「经历动荡」下,成就自己的伟大艺术。...
Five children aged between 11 and 17 who have been rejected by society leave town in search of their own "Kingdom". They cross a mountain range, roads and rural landscapes, and are both vi...