On January 1, 2003, in the south of Brazil, Laura, matriarch of a family of the upper middle class, found his family in their country house, for a Sunday meal. But on this day of President Lula'...
Family Time is a 2023 comedy-drama film written and directed by Tia Kouvo in her feature directorial debut. Starring Leena Uotila, Ria Kataja, Elina Knihtilä and Tom Wentzel, the film follows an ann...
A psychological thriller, based on true events that occurred, following two female students to New York. As they arrive at their rental home, 625 River Rd, a chain of mysterious events take place that...
A psychological thriller, based on true events that occurred, following two female students to New York. As they arrive at their rental home, 625 River Rd, a chain of mysterious events take place th...
The ageing Countess discovers that the blood of a maid can temporarily restore her youth and great beauty. She falls in love with a dashing young soldier but is compelled to kill again and again to ma...
A psychological thriller, based on true events that occurred, following two female students to New York. As they arrive at their rental home, 625 River Rd, a chain of mysterious events take place that...
A budding art restorer travels to a small Italian village to bring a medieval painting back to its former glory. Little does she know she is placing her life in danger from an evil curse and a monst...