《恋爱无名氏》是 GagaOOLala 影音平台原创『Queer Up The Volume 同志音乐爱情故事』系列之一,发想自真实事件,《恋爱无名氏》故事始于一名BL剧导演詹姆斯,与他即将开拍的新戏《2Night》主角艾特的地下恋情。面对制作公司下达禁爱令,处在热恋期的詹姆斯和艾特深怕恋情曝光。和艾特在《2Night》饰演CP的巴斯对于BL影视圈的生态感到心力交瘁,除了得应付接踵而来的整形手...
Savitri, the matriarch of a massive cartel in the lawless Borderlands, opens up a battle for succession to find her heir in a murky world of drugs and violence....
Savitri, the matriarch of a massive cartel in the lawless Borderlands, opens up a battle for succession to find her heir in a murky world of drugs and violence....
Satyameva Jayate 2 revolves around the fight against injustice and misuse of power. From police and politicians to industrialists and a common man, the film will explore corruption in all spheres....