Follows Toni's journey from seeking boxing training from Elliott, a gym owner, to becoming a pioneering female boxing manager guiding Payne to a championship fight, while drawing upon lessons learne...
Follows Toni's journey from seeking boxing training from Elliott, a gym owner, to becoming a pioneering female boxing manager guiding Payne to a championship fight, while drawing upon lessons lear...
上一集的大屠杀之后,杰森和十个年轻人的尸体被警方收敛,然而在医院中,杰森再次醒来,将夜班医护杀死,不知所踪……保罗、莎拉(Barbara Howard 饰)等六个年轻人租下了林中的木屋度假,木屋旁边住着汤米、丽丝姐弟以及他们的母亲一家。保罗等人到水晶湖中戏水,全然不知这里曾经上演的血腥故事。汤米和丽丝因汽车抛锚结识了自称是猎熊人的青年罗布(Erich Anderson 饰),罗布拜访汤米一家后...
詹姆斯(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)以优等生的身份顺利通过中情局的初期审查,和其它精英学子一起进入训练基地接受特种训练。中情局派出了最有经验的王牌特工沃特(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)来训练这群年轻人。在近乎冷血的各式各样的残酷训练当中,表现最佳的詹姆斯却莫名被淘汰出局。在新人中,女学员莱拉(布丽姬·穆娜 Bridget Moynahan 饰)引起了上层的怀疑。被怀疑是...
When a group of nerds leak a washed-up celebrity's sex tape, the publicity revives the actress's career and other Hollywood rejects want to star in the guys next "production."...