An ex-couple accidentally bumps into each other whenever they visit their dog’s grave on its death anniversary. These chance meetings will later lead to a passionate reunion of the two...
在遥远的松饼山上,有一个胡谷镇,镇民们最爱的圣诞节眼看就要到了,镇上张灯结彩,喜气洋洋,每个人都沉浸在筹备圣诞节的快乐中。然而,在胡谷镇以北的一个垃圾山上,住着一个人人都害怕的“怪物”——格林奇(金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)。他深居简出,只跟一条狗过活;他心胸狭窄,心脏只有正常人的四分之一大;他讨厌胡谷镇,更讨厌圣诞节。经常捉弄镇民的他,在一次大闹胡谷镇中,认识了小女孩辛蒂(泰勒·摩森 T...
Robin, a young student, is obsessed with Tanya, his teacher. He then sees Tanya kissing a female student, so he blackmails her. When Robin believes that he is in control, he learns Tanya's dark person...
Shakespeare once said, "what tangled webs we weave", and this is the through-line of On the Fringe of Wild. Peter is a young gay man whose father is trying to make a man of him by taking h...