1998年5月2日,日本视觉系摇滚音乐人hide溘然长逝,他的离去给摇滚乐坛带来极大的冲击,也在广大歌迷的心中留下难以愈合的创痛。即使已经过了20年,关于hide的一切仍时时被人提起。他是视觉系摇滚鼻祖X JAPAN的主音吉他手,SOLO之后以个人名义相继推出《hide your face》《Psyence》《Ja Zoo》等大碟,多变的曲风和走在时代前沿的潮流设计让他闯出了一条全新的道路。粉红色...
Hinano is a bullied and lonely school girl who has no other means to express her feelings but write them down. When one day she hurries in the school nurse's room to escape, she meets a teacher ...
Pu Zhe, the younger brother of the Emperor of Manchukuo, Pu Wen, marries Ryuko the daughter of a long-established aristocratic family – all in the interest of the Japanese rulers, which legitimizes th...