生物科学家汤姆·霍兰德(本·克鲁斯 Ben Cross 饰)的侄女米兰达(海伦娜·麦特森 Helena Mattsson 饰)体态曼妙,性感迷人,且天资聪慧,堪称完美。然而谁都不曾想到,她竟是汤姆利用外星人和人类基因混合制造出来的新型人类。汤姆自感实验的不道德性,因此带着米兰达逃离实验室,并伪造了她的身世。 随着米兰达日渐成熟,她体内隐藏的外星人基因也渐渐苏醒,几乎到了汤姆所能控制的极限。她嗜杀...
英俊帅气的凯尔(Aaron Dean Eisenberg 饰)在某清洁公司打工期间,意外从一户人家收来一口制作精美、古色古香的棺材。令他和好友萨顿(J. Walter Holland 饰)感到惊奇的是,棺材内部竟然安装了宛如钟表一般精密的仪器。通过钥匙上的名字,凯尔查到棺材最早属于15世纪一个被称为邪恶版达芬奇的酷刑装置发明家特里斯腾。特里斯腾发明了这个名为“幽灵诞生机”的装置,可以让人在无痛...
A small town cop has settled into a peaceful existence. He is reunited with a good friend from Canada’s security agency and told to be on the lookout for Russians that have disappeared in his County...
Unable to find inspiration for his newest piece, young author Liam (Daryl McCormack) takes on the titanic weight of tutoring the son of legendary writer J.M. Sinclair (Richard E. Grant) and his wife...