A dysfunctional family of adult film stars reunites for a memorial porn shoot following the death o***endary producer Mo Saltzman. Along the way, the film's hapless director must contend with duelin...
I can see people will either love or hate this movie, depending on your own experiences and loves. Its basically about a incredibly obese police officer coming to terms with his own mortality (he is...
「曲线窈窕非梦事」「Real Women Have Curves」,是根据编剧乔瑟芬娜洛培兹自己的亲身经历,当时开始写剧本的她,只有19岁,由一个青涩的少女看未来的成年世界,也因为年少的单纯勇气,让很多复杂的传统价值观迷思,在她的笔下都有了解放。