The story concerns the Waterbury family who move to "Three Chimneys", a house near the railway after the father, who works at the Foreign office, is imprisoned as a result of being falsely...
这个故事发生在1900年的澳大利亚。主角马修(汤姆·塞立克 Tom Selleck 饰)是一位神枪手,为了应征一则神枪手的广告,他跋涉了三个月来到澳大利亚。在途中,他无意中解救了一位名叫考娜(劳拉·桑·吉亚科莫 Laura San Giacomo 饰)的姑娘,她误认为马修是她的男友。他们一起来到了马斯顿农场,却发现农场主马斯顿(艾伦·里克曼 Alan Rickman 饰)雇佣他是为了让他射杀当地...
Following the extraordinary story of one ordinary couple, as they fall in love and discover that the single greatest obstacle to finding happiness together might just be themselves....