Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe is an upcoming movie based of the coming-of-age young adult novel by American author Benjamin Alire Sáenz. Set in El Paso, Texas in 1987, the n...
Siccin 5 tells the story of a family returning to their nightmare after the ceremony that took place years ago. Hale is a young girl of 12 years old and lives in a historic house in Nevsehir- Turkey...
老片《希望与荣耀》Hope and Glory (1987),通过一个九岁男孩的眼睛描绘了二战初期的伦敦,这个被认为是后方的地方,其实是另一个战场。
Roger Girard 博士是一位富有的科学家,负责进行头部移植实验。他的看护人有一个儿子丹尼,虽然他已经长大成人,但他有孩子的心。一天,一名逃脱的精神病杀手闯入吉拉德的家,杀死了丹尼的父亲,然后被枪杀。随着疯子的死去,丹尼对父亲的死深感不安,吉拉德博士决定采取最后一步,将凶手的头移植到丹尼的身上。...
Two girls grow up as best friends in an Innu community. While Mikuan has a loving family, Shaniss is picking up the pieces of her shattered childhood. As children, they promised each other to stick ...
影片是关于牙买加民族英雄——“雷鬼教父”Bob Marley(鲍勃·马利)的音乐纪录片。最早在2009年,马丁·斯科塞斯原定为美国制片公司韦恩斯坦执导这部影片,定于2010年2月6日上映,那是正好是马利的65岁诞辰纪念日。斯科塞斯曾经执导过Bob Dylan的纪录片《No Direction Home》以及滚石纪录片《Shine A Light》,不啻为最理想的导演人选,但他因为档期冲突而离开了这...