Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families, and thus the emotional dilemma of 'Alex and Eve' is created....
《全境通告 APB》该剧根据一篇文章《Who Runs the Streets of New Orleans》得到灵感。背景为在一个破产﹑奄奄一息的城市中,一个神秘﹑科技界的亿万富翁,因为好友被谋杀,于是出资在一间身陷麻烦的警局,设立一支 私人的警察部队,以解决市里各种混乱的情况。David Slack及Len Wiseman亦为执行制片人。 Justin Kirk将饰演剧中亿万富翁兼天才G...
Syfy直接预订12集超自然题材剧集《Superstition》,本剧背景设置在新奥尔良外的一个神秘的小镇,由XLrator Media和Mario Van Peebles制作。Mario Van Peebles将和Barry Gordon一同担任制作人,还将执笔、执导、参演该剧;由Joel Anderson Thompson出品。本剧将在2017年年初展开制作,将于同年晚些时候播出。
Alex, a Greek Orthodox schoolteacher, falls for Lebanese Muslim lawyer, Eve. The relationship is forbidden by both families, and thus the emotional dilemma of 'Alex and Eve' is created....