A good-natured man has an unexpected deadly confrontation. Instincts kick in to clean up the mess caused in the name of self-defense but does one really get away free after killing someone?...
strong childhood bond between two girls grows into something more. As they explore their bodies, Pin and Aya soon learn that their feelings for each other are beyond friendship. With their friendshi...
strong childhood bond between two girls grows into something more. As they explore their bodies, Pin and Aya soon learn that their feelings for each other are beyond friendship. With their friendship ...
After his four siblings mysteriously die in their first weeks of college, a paranoid freshman must put his fears aside when a masked killer picks him as her next victim....
After his four siblings mysteriously die in their first weeks of college, a paranoid freshman must put his fears aside when a masked killer picks him as her next victim....
After his four siblings mysteriously die in their first weeks of college, a paranoid freshman must put his fears aside when a masked killer picks him as her next victim....
2020:如此[insert dire adjective of choice here]的一年,就连《黑镜》的创作团队也编不出这样的故事,但这并不意味着他们没有可发挥的余地。《再也不见 2020》是一部喜剧,回顾了这可怕的一年,也许一切尚未结束?在这部具有里程碑意义的纪录片式特辑中,一些全球最著名的人物(虚构)采访结合过去 12 个月的真实影像,交汇成一部叙事合唱曲。...