查理(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)本来可以拿着抢劫回来的那箱黄金安度余生,同伙史蒂夫(爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton饰)的出卖却让他的阵脚大乱。史蒂夫不但独吞了巨款逃亡洛杉矶,还害得查理尝尽牢狱之苦。 现在从监狱出来的查理,正踌躇满志要找史蒂夫算上一帐。他网罗了盗窃高手——美女斯黛拉(查理兹·塞隆 Charlize Theron 饰)专门负责开保险柜,而他和其他...
艾德金(克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 饰)是一名吟游诗人,在一次盗宝行动中,他的贪婪导致了妻子的死亡。之后,野蛮人霍尔盖(米歇尔·罗德里格兹 Michelle Rodriguez 饰)出现在了颓废的艾德金身边,和他共同抚养女儿琪拉(克洛伊·科尔曼 Chloe Coleman 饰)。 琪拉长大之后,艾德金、霍尔盖带着琪拉和她的舅舅福奇(休·格兰特 Hugh Grant 饰)等人组成了一支...
Halberstadt, the summer of 1990: Maren, Robert, and Volker come across millions of East German marks in an old tunnel. Although the money is technically worthless, the three friends smuggle it out in ...
Halberstadt, the summer of 1990 Maren, Robert, and Volker come across millions of East German marks in an old tunnel. Although the money is technically worthless, the three friends smuggle it out in t...
Todd and Terry are twins. They are blonde, cute, bright and identical in every respect, with one exception. One of them is a murderer. This starts one night at a drive-in theater when a teenager was s...