The new series will revisit Birgitte Nyborg (Sidse Babett Knudsen), who is now Foreign Minister, along with her staff and the media tasked with covering her. Meanwhile, Katrine Fønsmark (Birgitte Hj...
The new series will revisit Birgitte Nyborg (Sidse Babett Knudsen), who is now Foreign Minister, along with her staff and the media tasked with covering her. Meanwhile, Katrine F?nsmark (Birgitte Hjor...
故事发生在1906年的俄克拉荷马州,亨利(蒂姆·布雷克·尼尔森 Tim Blake Nelson 饰)带着儿子怀亚特(加文·刘易斯 Gavin Lewis 饰)来到这里定居,开始经营农场。早在十年前,亨利的妻子就去世了,这些年来,亨利一直希望自己能够教会怀亚特如何自食其力,亨利的姐夫艾尔(特雷斯·阿德金斯 Trace Adkins 饰)是这个家庭唯一的帮手。...