Story takes place at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii just before the attack by the Japanese on December 7, 1941. The main plot deals with the adulterous love affair between Sgt. Warden and Karen Holmes, who...
狮门电影公司(Lionsgate Films)将和印度的克斯特动画公司(Crest Animation)联手,拍摄3D动画片《北极移民》(Norm of the North)。本片将使用立体3D拍摄,这项技术在《阿凡达》中被采用过。
本片由斯蒂文·奥迪尔(Steven Altiere)和丹尼尔·奥迪尔(Daniel Altiere)编写剧本,故事集中于一头北极熊和三只旅鼠身上。当他们家乡的冰开...
Middle-aged banker Arthur Hamilton is given the opportunity to start a completely new life when he receives calls from his old friend Charlie. The only problem is that Charlie is supposed to be dead...
几个世纪以来,有一群拥有强大力量的精英团队维护着浩瀚宇宙的和平。他们每人都有一只绿色的能量戒指,绿色的灯光就是他们的力量之源,他们被称为“绿灯军团”。但是,突然有一天,身处宇宙多处的绿灯侠不断传来受到袭击身亡的事件。原来,沉寂多年的邪恶魔王派瑞莱克斯苏醒,他要抢夺绿灯侠们的绿色能量源,因此展开了全宇宙追杀绿灯侠。这时在地球上,拥有非凡天赋却自命不凡的试飞员哈尔(瑞安·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynol...