Talking Tom and Friends is the flagship franchise of multinational entertainment company Outfit7 Limited. As of August 2015 there are six characters (Talking Tom, Talking Angela, Talking Ginger, Talki...
任职于广告公司的尼克(蒂姆•罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)深爱自己的妻子,时常为工作拖累而不能陪伴妻子感到内疚,这天客户取消了约会使尼克可以提前回家,然而他看到的却是妻子正和自己的上司偷情,万念俱灰的尼克一言不发开车离家,劫匪泰伦斯(马丁•劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)半路冲上了尼克的车打劫,可身材矮小的泰伦斯根本无法唬住狂暴状态的尼克,尼克驾车一路狂奔,将泰伦斯带到了亚利桑那...
家财万贯的对冲基金经理詹姆斯(威尔·法瑞尔 Will Ferrell 饰)因为诈欺被判刑,法官特别给了他30天的时间让他安排处理工作上的相关事宜,身家百万的他为了准备好自己即将面对的恐怖监禁生活,雇用了平常帮他洗车的男子(凯文·哈特 Kevin Hart 饰),在最后自由的30天内对他加强训练,以应付之后的监狱生活……...
Talking Tom and Friends is the flagship franchise of multinational entertainment company Outfit7 Limited. As of August 2015 there are six characters (Talking Tom, Talking Angela, Talking Ginger, Talki...
Talking Tom and Friends is the flagship franchise of multinational entertainment company Outfit7 Limited. As of August 2015 there are six characters (Talking Tom, Talking Angela, Talking Ginger, Talki...
Talking Tom and Friends is the flagship franchise of multinational entertainment company Outfit7 Limited. As of August 2015 there are six characters (Talking Tom, Talking Angela, Talking Ginger, Talki...
Talking Tom and Friends is the flagship franchise of multinational entertainment company Outfit7 Limited. As of August 2015 there are six characters (Talking Tom, Talking Angela, Talking Ginger, Talki...