Unprecedented access to Muhammad Ali's personal archive of audio journals as well as interviews and testimonials from molikan.com his inner circle of family and friends are used to tell the legend's l...
A suburban woman fights to be believed as she finds herself stalked by a threatening figure who returns to her house night after night. When she can't get help from those around her, she is forced...
生活在沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得郊区的十岁小女孩瓦嘉达(瓦德·穆罕默德 Waad Mohammed 饰),性格乐观开朗,活力四射。虽然她生活的环境传统保守,但小瓦嘉达不仅穿被老师明令禁止的牛仔裤板鞋,还热衷听摇滚乐。一日,瓦嘉达和邻家男孩阿布杜拉(Abdullrahman Al Gohani 饰)打了一架后,刚巧看见一辆崭新的绿色自行车正在售卖。从此,瓦嘉达满脑子都是这两漂亮洋气的自行车,梦想有一天能买...