Daniel Pierce博士(Eric McCormack)是一位专攻人类行为学的神经科学家,在芝加哥某大学里任教。他不仅对人类大脑的工作方式有着独特的见解,而且有一项独门绝活——他能够从他人不自觉的表情和下意识的动作中找出规律,从而洞悉对方说的是真话还是假话、想要隐瞒什么秘密。在本剧中,他将帮助联邦政府侦破一系列疑难案件(就像《超感警探》中的Patrick Jane一样)。...
Under orders from a ruthless crime boss, a getaway driver must battle his conscience and drive an unsuspecting crew member to an ambush execution. There is a long drive ahead....
Under orders from a ruthless crime boss, a getaway driver must battle his conscience and drive an unsuspecting crew member to an ambush execution. There is a long drive ahead....
Under orders from a ruthless crime boss, a getaway driver must battle his conscience and drive an unsuspecting crew member to an ambush execution. There is a long drive ahead....