五位船员在茫茫大海中和狂风巨浪搏斗的故事。其中,船长是一个叫比利(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney饰)的男人。他刚刚结识了新女友,急需钱来过上新生活。然而附近海域的捕鱼量却一直不景气。除了船长,其余4名船员眼下都需要钱来维持个人的生活。于是,他们决定开往一个相距甚远的海域,就冲着那里丰富的鱼资源。 ...
When domestic terrorists threaten the fate of Los Angeles, Harry Bosch must save the city in the highest stakes season to date. Watch all episodes April 17!...
When domestic terrorists threaten the fate of Los Angeles, Harry Bosch must save the city in the highest stakes season to date. Watch all episodes April 17!...