年过半百的唐·琼斯顿(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray 饰)一生拥有数不尽的浪漫恋情和风流韵事,但他从来无意组建家庭,只愿享受热恋的激情,任凭一个个出色的女性从身边流走,展开别样的人生。这一天,唐收到一封某前女友的来信,信中称继承了他血脉的儿子离家出走,正踏上一段寻父旅程。万千情愫,难以言喻,唐也展开一段倒溯之旅。他先后拜访了劳拉(莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone 饰)、朵拉(弗兰西丝·康罗...
Inspired by Stephanie Wood’s powerful memoir Fake, this drama follows Birdie Bell (Asher Keddie), a magazine features writer who thinks she’ 、s found her perfect match when she meets successful graz...
姑母意外死亡,给美丽、善良的少女宝拉(英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)留下大笔遗产,引来心术不正的青年安东(查尔斯·博耶 Charles Boyer 饰)觊觎。追求宝拉成功后,二人回到宝拉姑母曾经遇害的伦敦旧宅居住。本以为就此拥有完美丈夫和幸福生活的宝拉,逐渐受到古怪现象困扰,她总会听到奇怪的响声,东西经常莫名其妙消失又出现,新来的女仆也对她态度轻蔑,煤气灯也开始忽明忽暗,安东暗示...
Fifteen years ago evil creatures from the underworld plagued the Earth with the intent of eliminating mankind. Dubbed the Day of Reckoning by survivors of the hellish holocaust, warriors of mankind ag...
Maddie, a bullied teen, receives support from someone online - her deceased father, David. His consciousness has been uploaded to the cloud after an experimental brain scan. Turns out, he's not the on...