In the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, a bare knuckle cage fighter seeks to repay his debts in a final, desperate attempt to salvage the family home of his dying foster mother....
13岁的吉娜(珍妮弗·加纳 Jennifer Garner饰)充满对大人世界的憧憬。她渴望散发媚惑的女人味,和梦中情人那样约会,得到男孩们的青睐。但这一切都只是她的白日梦,事实上吉娜在异性男孩中间似乎没什么吸引力,并被朋友捉弄了一番。跟邻家哥哥马特(马克·鲁弗洛 Mark Ruffalo饰)大闹一场之后,吉娜已经完全厌恶了这乏味的童年,她要赶快长大成人!
Reggie examines the career and legacy of Major League Baseball Hall of Famer and activist Reggie Jackson.
Jackson sits down to recount his experiences breaking barriers within the MLB, starting in B...
Emma is a businesswoman coming from Australia to the U.S to sign a controversial oil contract. On her way to a press conference, she jumps into a taxi. Soon after, to her surprise, she is attacked and...