A Latino barber in a macho world faces a tough road ahead when feelings develop for a handsome Irish drifter during a hot and sweaty summer in Brooklyn....
“I don’t think any of this would have happened if I have a very traditional mum.”
少年廚神Flynn McGarry 的Instagram簡介中,只有一句「I Cook」。他自幼享負盛名,憑廚藝獲選為30位最具影響力的青年,但在社交媒體上卻相當樸實,只有碟碟料理的照片,他的世界,的確就只有廚藝。
Aerial Africa reveals the fascinating stories you'd never find if you weren't in the air. This series highlights the natural wonders of the southern African landscape and considers humanity...
一个雕塑家帕罗在很久以后遇到了他以前的恋人阿克·劳拉。但是他却被她15岁的女儿劳拉 Laura(道恩·邓莱普 Dawn Dunlap 饰)深深吸引,她长相酷似其母,当帕罗爱上她的时候,女儿劳拉也很喜欢他。但她母亲出于忌妒,阻止他们继续联系,她只允许帕罗用劳拉的照片(裸体写真艺术照片),为她雕像! 这部影片属于情色的经典电影之一,导演是大卫·汉密尔顿 David Hamilton,著名的情...